Looking Hot – Silvester Ruck
I had to text one of my friends "in the know" to find out if Silvester Ruck is actually that well known, because after finding some pics of this gorgeous young man on another site I wasn't able to find out much about him at all.
That's one of my biggest annoyances I think. Why don't these gorgeous guys have their own sites where they explain something about themselves? I think that in all the time I've been offering pics of some of the most gorgeous male models on the planet I could count those who have their own sites on one hand.
So there isn't a whole lot I can tell you about Silvester Ruck, other than he's a really handsome young man managed by the Nous agency.
The first three images in this collection are by photographer Sean P Watters and I think I'm right in suggesting that these might be the most recent. I'm simply making that assertion because he has such a hot muscled body and I'm not sure he's so built in any other pics.
He does have the complete package doesn't he? He's handsome, and he does have a great jock bod too. The only thing that could make him even hotter is if we knew more about him! lol

No website? He has that James Dean look, hot, handsome nice muscles too! Google didn`t find anything on him either?
This guy is gorgeous handsome. He is too attractive to see. It can also say limit youth unlimited sexy.