Long Overdue – It’s Matt Schiermeier

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I've just discovered this incredibly gorgeous young man by the name of Matt Schiermeier. And I'm quite surprised that I've never seen this incredible hunk of manly muscle before.

You probably know that I love some sexy muscle (obviously) and I especially like to see some muscle guys with some ink. I don't know what it is about tattoo's but seeing a hot guy with some art on his skin, especially if he's built like Matt Schiermeier, it just makes me weak in the knees!

There is a whole back story to this guy, but primarily he's an activist I guess. Although he is so handsome and so well-built, he is incredibly moral and driven to help others, creating an artistic outlet for himself and his partner while raising awareness and cold hard cash for HIV/AIDS research.

If there is a more perfect example of overcoming and achieving despite circumstance, I have yet to find it. This guy is positive, in both senses of the word. When he discovered that he was ill, instead of allowing it to defeat him, he changed. He changed his diet and his lifestyle and he remade himself. He became stronger, healthier, driven and self-empowered!

You can visit the site of Matt Schiermeier and Cameron Earnheart to read a lot more. It is definitely worth the visit! Matt Schiermeier ModestyMatt Schiermeier Gorgeous AssMatt Schiermeier Bubble ButtMatt Schiermeier Amazing MuscleMatt Schiermeier ShowingMatt Schiermeier SeductiveMatt Schiermeier FootballMatt Schiermeier Play BallMatt Schiermeier Waiting

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13 years ago

Not my cup of tea but i can imagine how hot he is for you.

13 years ago

Such a handsome man. It’s a pity he had to get all those tats. Dare I say it? It’s so white trash.

13 years ago

just a handsome sexy man and a gorgeous butt and boyfriend eh he seems to have it all

13 years ago

Absolutely gorgeous man, and ink … well I think it is totally lickable!

Dennis Rutter
Dennis Rutter
11 years ago

Chat with Matt and Cam almost everymorning! They are both sweet hearts!

3 years ago

Matt was in two oorn videos in 1997.
Mercury Rising and Tailspin.
I had a friend who owned a video store ..
I saw the viseo boxes as he put them out for Sale.
He was a goid kokki g clean cut all American Kid in his early 20s.
Anyone have any portfolio pics from those fsys of Matt / Blake Anderson

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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