Long-Haired Hottie Matthew Sinnaeve

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I think this handsome and fit young man is going to be getting some love on the Gay Body Blog. I have to thank a friend (thanks Andy!) for sending me these photos of the guy. His name is Matthew Sinnaeve, and he's being photographed by Karl Simone for this sexy and moody shoot. Seeing as I haven't heard his name before I felt the need to get out there on the Internet and see what else I could find, and it became pretty clear early on that he's one of those male models who loves to tease. Yeah, he's one of those guys who shows off a little more skin than a lot of others, but without going all the way. With some very sexy black and white photo shoots by a few different photographers he's proven that he has what it takes to really deliver something special, even if we would love to see more of him than we have so far I get the feeling there's going to be plenty in the future. He does have a very sexy body, smooth and lean, like an athlete. Oh, I also found out that he loves his family dog, smokes cigars occasionally and has five eggs for breakfast. I guess that's useful information if you ever see him in a bar somewhere and try to hook up :)

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