Logan Swiecki-Taylor Selling… Cushions

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How the hell do you make cushions sexy?

You get a handsome hunk like Logan Swiecki-Taylor to show them off wearing absolutely nothing but his sexy tan.

Yes, you heard me, Rufskin have seemingly stepped into the realm of soft furnishings recently, creating some sexy items that I don't think any of us would mind having scattered on our sofas. Seriously, look at those cushions and enjoy, if you can take your eyes off of the stunning physique of the absolutely gorgeous Logan for long enough! lol

I have to admit that I am impressed, not just with the cushions (they are just cushions with sexy images on them after all) but more with the absolutely gorgeousness that is Logan. I cannot get enough of this handsome man and his amazing body, and I don't think I'm going to be alone in my adoration for this shoot.

I don't know how much those cushions cost, but if they came with Logan attached I would gladly get a second mortgage and clean out my bank account, just to have him posing with them in my living room.

If there was ever a question about just exactly Logan could sell before it becomes ridiculous, I don't think we have even scratched the surface yet. Perhaps tomorrow we'll see a shoot of the hottie posing with oven gloves?

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10 years ago

I really like RUFSKIN ‘s company.. Very sexy ads & amazing clothes mostly made in the USA .. The down side is the price tag/ very high.. I’ll bet each of those pillows are over $100usd .. Love this model

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