Logan Swiecki-Taylor Is Looking Lean

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I can't believe it's been so long since we last checked out handsome male model Logan Swiecki-Taylor here at Gay Body Blog. I don't know what happened but we used to see him regularly, then last year there was absolutely nothing.

He used to pose for the Rufskin brand regularly and it seems he's still showing off some of their gear so I don't think he's moved on from them. That's a good thing, he really knows how to show off their brand perfectly.

Whatever he's been up to in the time I haven't been paying attention he's still looking damn fine, although he seems to be a lot leaner now than he used to be.

This new shoot by photographer Hubert Pierre Pouches sees him climbing all over some smashed up cars in a desert location, and I'm enjoying it just for the jeans and shirtless bod :)

You have to admit, he always looks hot with no shirt on and he's usually a real tease in his shoots. That sensuality is still there for this one and even if we'd prefer to see him totally naked I think these pics will give us some sexy daydreams at least for a little while.

Now if you don't mind I think I'm gonna do a little digging and see what other shoots with Logan I might have missed out on.

Enjoy, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him too. Have a great Thursday!

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4 years ago

Logan is legitimately a model, instead of just being a good looking guy. He knows how to use his body to create interesting lines and spaces, and knows how to present any garment. I’m relieved he ditched the long hair.

4 years ago

He’s just created a new category: Alpha Twunk!

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