Logan Swiecki-Taylor Is A Perfect Hottie For A Friday

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I was wondering what would make a great post to finish the week, and then I realised it had been a little too long since we last saw Logan Swiecki-Taylor on the Gay Body Blog. Needless to say, I was out there looking around for the handsome hunk within moments, and look what I found! Obviously, it's a shoot for Rufskin. The gorgeous stud pretty much just works for them now as far as I can see. I guess that's a good deal, though, it's obviously been working for them both since they teamed up a few years ago. We've seen a lot of amazing shoots with the handsome guy since then, and some of them have been quite revealing. This one is teasing enough, but it has us wanting more. Then again, I think every shoot he has even been in, and ever will appear in, always leaves us hungry to see a lot more of the guy. I probably don't need to say much about how amazing he is. I know I'm not the only one who adores him. Check out those abs, that bulge, that sexy muscle ass... We 're all jealous of photographer Hubert-Pierre Pouches, right? Oh man, the things I could do lol Leave a comment, let me know what you guys think of this shoot. Have a great Friday!

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3 years ago

logan is soo fine, I wnna see his dick hard, and a hot j.o.

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