Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend

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Obviously we know Logan Swiecki-Taylor, but I would love to know who the other handsome muscled hunk is in this new shoot for Rufskin. I did spend a while trying to find out a little about him but there's no mention anywhere of who the gorgeous dude is. Whoever he is he looks damn fine, and even better when he's joined by Logan! No doubt one of you guys reading this will recognize him, and if you do then you need to tell us who he is in the comments at the bottom. The Rufskin brand is always good at getting Logan showing off his amazing body, but they're really going all out in this shoot and giving us plenty to appreciate. As if the rest of him isn't stunning already we get to see that gorgeous smooth jock butt too :) I hope this is a trend they're going to continue with, they have an eye for real gorgeousness and the more muscled hunks they share with us the better! Oh, and the gorgeous guys are showing off a new towel design by the brand. They've kind of been branching out into more things over the last couple of years. To be honest they could be selling accountancy software and I would still be interested as long as they had guys like these in their shoots lol Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend 1 Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend 2 Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend 3 Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend 4 Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend 5 Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend 6 Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend 7 Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend 8 Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend 9 Logan Swiecki-Taylor Has A Handsome Friend 10

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9 years ago

It’s Stephen Becker

9 years ago


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