Live Cam Boy Randy Harris

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If you like your live cam boy to be a little nerdy, or a little geeky, you're probably gonna love Randy Harris.

Some of you might now be thinking I've insulted the guy.

As a nerd, and as a geek, I can assure you it's not an insult. It's more of an aesthetic, like being a bear or an otter lol

I've always had a thing for the nerdy boys. I'm quite a tall guy, and I've always had a thing for shorter dudes with glasses.

For instance, one of my first gay crushes was Johnny Galecki.

I loved him when I saw him on Roseanne (get that name out your mouth! lol) back in the day. Of course, it probably helped that I was a total grunge fan too, and his character really fit my style.

It's really a shame that I can't go back and watch that show again. I refuse to, because of that wretched woman.

Anyway, moving on...

So, this 20 year old has that studios look. He's actually a little bit of a bear cub.

Even though he's 6' tall I still think he's got something sexy about him that hits my buttons.

I've grabbed some pics of this young man but you're gonna want to click and see this live cam boy performing.

Let me know how it goes!

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