Like Ripe Fruit In Wet Cotton – Hunky Caio Cesar

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This looks just like I feel. What I mean is, these images look hot, and I have been sweating my arse off for the past few days too. Of course, I would rather be out of the city and on a beach somewhere, preferably with the gorgeous Caio Cesar by my side too! ;)

The extremely handsome and buff male model is being shot by Caio Cesar for this collection of images, lounging around and catching some sun, no doubt making a complete spectacle of himself in the process too lol

It always makes me wonder what any spectators might be thinking seeing a gorgeous guy like him with all that bulge hanging there like ripe fruit in a wet cotton bag - Of course referring to the very first image with that delicious bulge! Do people stop and stare? Do they marvel at his beauty like we do? Do the guys who spy him immediately run away to jerk off somewhere, or perhaps sign up to a gym in the hope of getting a body like that? lol

No doubt about it, the sight of a guy like Caio Cesar must surely inspire many to want to be more than they are. He definitely makes me want to work harder in the gym - and find some new hugging underwear too ;)

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11 years ago

“Ripe fruit in wet cotton” – a very, on-the-mark metaphor. I like that look myself.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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