Liam Magnuson Naked For Rick Day

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A couple of months ago I shared some photos from a solo jerk off video on the Colt site with stunningly handsome young muscled jock Liam Magnuson, and it began a bit of an infatuation, I have to confess.

There are so many male models and porn stars out there that I love to see, and after watching this guy and seeing his photos he was definitely on my list of porn stars to follow. I've seen him in a few videos since, and he never fails to impress me.

So, today, a friend of mine sent me some photos he'd found of the handsome man, and taken by one of my favorite photographers in all the world too - Rick Day!

See, just combining those names together is an obvious winning mix. Rick always does an amazing job with his images, and he always seems to pick some of the most impressive male models too. When you have someone like Liam Magnuson posing for him, considering he's not scared to really show off everything, it results in a shoot like this one.

My only problem with this shoot is that there are not enough photos of the guy. But I think that can be said of all Rick's shoots too, they're just so good I can't get enough of them!

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11 years ago

Body piercings, ink … pretty much sinks his other assets like his rock hard abs and come hither smile. Sad, vey sad.

11 years ago

Liam is hot! But I’ve seen far better from Rick Day’s lens.

11 years ago

I am going to get “hate male”..that’s OK..I need to speak the truth!

this body and the trainers they use, are ALL the same.. I would never “throw him out of my bed” but look at the “Adonis muscle” …FYI: this is the muscle that’s on your side that gives you definition to look straight into your’s very hard to get but this body and most bodies have this same boring body look.. do several different workouts, even runners have the same body but these people work very hard dieting,w/o etc to get this body…when someone does for example, Karate, it gives you a totally different appearance, swimming, dancing..even that row machine that collects dust in the corner of your gym..that is fun and works different muscles..I walked away from weight machines in the gym many years ago because there are healthier& more FUN ways to get a decent looking body…from the rubber bands you get while in P.therapy..there’s an entire routine just with bands that cost 20 USD at the most, bicycling, walking/running in chest high water etc…
One of the photographers is Rick Day that always goes after the same exact body look…it does make the younger generation very body conscience but that’s a huge part of the Gay scene & always has been..Listen to me..I NEVER fit into that scene because of a high metabolism…but it did make me see what was accepted and not…but I am soo happy not to be in that scene’s exhausting to look just RIGHT!! Now I dress what for Tony first:-)


10 years ago

Rick Day is a great photographer though Liam is a bit of a twink. For gorgeous men see Suggests good books films and only handsome hunks.

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