Let’s Celebrate Chris Hemsworth’s Nude Bum For His 40th Birthday!
Believe it or not, Chris Hemsworth turns 40 years old today, August 11th! That's either going to make you feel really old or really young! What are we doing to celebrate? We're checking out his best nude scenes - there are two of them, and they are great.
Despite his popularity, this Aussie mega hunk only had one nude scene on his nudity résumé prior to 2022. We're not particularly litigious, but that's downright criminal. Chris Hemsworth first went nude on screen in Ron Howard 2013's Golden Globe-nominated Rush, where Hemsworth plays a Formula One racer.
In a brief but very crucial scene for nudity lovers, Hemsworth reveals his entire nude backside before collapsing onto a bed. He has a great firm ass and a fantastic tan line. It's a great nude scene! But can it be topped? What we're asking is: Can Chris Hemsworth top himself?
Almost a decade after Rush Hemsworth delivered his second nude scene to date. It goes down in the Marvel movie Thor: Love and Thunder, when Zeus accidentally flicks off Thor's clothes in front of an arena full of onlookers! What the on-screen audience sees from the front is so powerful that it makes them faint. Must be nice.
We - the real audience - don't see Hemsworth's godly penis, but we are privileged to his butt in a rare Marvel nude scene. From his calves to his thighs to his ass to his stomach to his shoulders, every part of Chris is beefier in 2022 than it was in 2013, and we are queer for it.
Happy 40th, you gorgeous man, you.

Best wishes from ‘ice break July 22 bi king Colin and Thor Heyerdahl’ Larvik!!!