Les Dieux du Stade 2014!

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I have a whole lot to share with you today, but I'm starting it off with something that I really know is going to get a lot of attention.

If you're a regular reader of Gay Body Blog then you know that when a hot new naked calendar comes along I'm likely to be sharing some photos from it on the blog for you guys to check out, and one of the most popular in the world is the Les Dieux du Stade calendar which has made its appearance every year since 2000.

It fast became one of the most popular nude calendars in the world, probably thanks to the willingness of several of the Rugby players to bear it all in the "making of" videos they put out there too. These guys aren't just happy to be sexy and teasing for some photos, they're often very open about being completely in the buff for the videos cameras during the shoots too.

Although I think they're teasing us with what they've released so far, I have feeling that the new 2014 calendar will probably involve some video fun of the shoot a little later too, more revealing than the one they've already released to promote the release.

Check out some of the guys participating in the new calendar, and enjoy the teasing video at the bottom too! ;)

You see, this is why Rugby is so much better than football/soccer. Not only are Rugby players more accepting of gay players and more supportive of the fans in general while being less arrogant and childish, they have more balls than any soccer teams on the planet.

Les Dieux du Stade 2014 (1)

Les Dieux du Stade 2014 (2)

Les Dieux du Stade 2014 (3)

Les Dieux du Stade 2014 (4)

Les Dieux du Stade 2014 (5)

Teaser DIEVX DV STADE 2014 by StadeFrancaisParis

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