Leighton Stultz Naked In The Woods

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Now, I know we've had this gorgeous jock and his big cock on the Gay Body Blog before, but I found some pics of the guy from that shoot that are a little lesser known and I thought I should share them on the blog with you guys for a naked shoot. To be honest, even though we might have seen every naked pic of this guy in the past, we can't really get bored of seeing him again, can we? The guy rocketed to fame around the world a long time ago, thanks to his shoot for Play Girl, showing off his amazing body and that long cock out in the woods. It was a stunning collection of photos and it gained masses of publicity across all the blogs out there. We had him on here more than once I admit. But that was a long time ago, I think the first time we saw him was back in 2008. So, isn't it about time we took another look at the gorgeous guy and his impressive manhood? It's a real shame that this is all he did naked. There are some other shoots out there of the guy fully clothed, or non-professional pics of the guy, but I think more of him with his dick out is definitely required :) Leighton Stultz Naked In The Woods 0 Leighton Stultz Naked In The Woods 2 Leighton Stultz Naked In The Woods 3 Leighton Stultz Naked In The Woods 4 Leighton Stultz Naked In The Woods 5 Leighton Stultz Naked In The Woods 6 Leighton Stultz Naked In The Woods 7 Leighton Stultz Naked In The Woods 8

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8 years ago

All-time gorgeous model…classic Playgirl photoshoot over 10yrs. ago.

8 years ago

damn beautiful body and a nice package he is proud to show off woof!

Sérgio José Werle
Sérgio José Werle
3 years ago

I want and hope live with you live I hope know mens with you libry and in amamzing naked life your page is great good look for your wonder world

1 year ago


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