Lean Jock Muscle Boy Bryce Durfee

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I think 21 year old Bryce Durfee has it all when it comes to being a versatile subject. He has the kind of look you could apply to almost anything from sporty jock to geeky teen. And that applies to his hot body as well as his handsome face.

With some tight and lean muscle, he can really pull off almost any kind of look and show some designer wear on the catwalk as well as some tight little shorts on the beach, and I think that kind of flexibility really makes him a commodity in the modeling world.

Some of the top photographers out there have given their support, creating some interesting images that really show his versatility well. The images below are by the likes of Rick Day (one of my favorites) and Jeff Slater, with additional images by photographers unknown. It certainly seems that if you can get in front of the cameras for some of these guys your career is almost guaranteed!

Originally from North Carolina, Bryce Durfee now lives in LA and is represented by Vision Model Management. He's already been picked up to work with some pretty big names, including International Jock, A&F and Calvin Klein.

How do you maintain a body like that? Bryce Durfee enjoys wrestling and snowboarding amongst his sporty pursuits, and I can certainly say I'd wrestle with him any day of the week! :)

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13 years ago

they grow em well in North Carolina-improved in California-its what we all aspire to be.thank you so so much.

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