Lean and Inked – Chris Loynes

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Chris Loynes is one of those guys you'd see on the street and immediately think of grabbing a camera to get some shots. Or is that just amateur photographers like me?

Of course, it would be nice to be able to just approach a guy like this on the street and ask them if they've thought of modelling, while offering your services, but it doesn't really work like that these days. Guys are too suspicious for a start, and maybe they have a right to be considering guys like me find them really hot! :)

I saw some pics of Chris the other day and immediately went on the hunt for more. I love a lean guy with a great body and some ink, I love the originality and the change of pace. It's definitely refreshing to see a more natural looking guy in front of the camera.

So I found these pics below and I fired off an email to check that he wouldn't mind being featured here, and thankfully he was happy to. He's a really nice guy and I guess the work is paying off because he seems to be getting pretty busy in the modelling world.

Although he's straight, he's happy to have guys like us appreciating his fine physique. And I knew you guys would like him.

For all the photographers, scouts and industry peeps who might be reading this and interested in this handsome and well-built Brit, Chris is always interested in some work, so check out his blog and get in touch!

Chris Loynes - Hairy Chest And Hot AbsChris Loynes - Awesome TorsoChris Loynes - Sneaky PeekChris Loynes - InkedChris Loynes - A Bit Of RoughChris Loynes - Check Out The Chest!Chris Loynes - Big Weapon!Chris Loynes - TeaseChris Loynes - Flex

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13 years ago


13 years ago

Beautiful! Love the ink, love the tight bod. Woof!

13 years ago

Wow he is such a handsome man! And DAMN sexy! Would love to meet him in person!

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