A Lazy Day With Gorgeous Hunk Joe Bruzas

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We've seen handsome and fit hunk Joe Bruzas on the Gay Body Blog a couple of times in the past, and although it's been about three months since we last saw him I discovered some more photos from the same shoot as the most recent one with him. I don't know how I forgot about them, but at last they're making it to the blog. He's so ridiculously handsome, with an incredible body and an amazing bulge to tease us with. Photographer Menelik Puryear is the one responsible for these incredibly gorgeous shots of the handsome hunk, seemingly enjoying a nice relaxing day in the sun, wearing nothing but his tight little undies. Yes, we all want to see him hanging out without them, but I don't think he's the kind of male model who would be willing to reveal all like that. Maybe I'm wrong? I'm going to be out there later looking around to see if there's some nudity in any shoots with this guy so stick around on the blog if that interests you (which, of course, it does!) I guess you can all think of some excellent ways to spend a sunny day with this guy, feel free to let me know in the comments :)

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4 years ago

[…] by Conran […]

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