Kurt Hanger Is A Tasty Smooth Hunk Of Goodness

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We've seen impressively muscled hunk Kurt Hanger on the Gay Body Blog before, but when I came across (not like that) this random collection of photos of the guy, with a few obviously from a little while back, I knew you would appreciate seeing more of him. The previous post was from September last year, but a lot of these photos seem to be from before then. He's clearly changed quite a bit. He was always a gorgeous and smooth guy, but he's obviously put on quite a lot of muscle since he started out in the modeling business. I'm not sure how I prefer him, to be honest. I love his previous build, he looks so athletically sexy in those photos, like a swimmer or a gymnast. Then he started piling on the muscle and now he looks like a real hunky beefcake. I love both versions of the guy. In fact, I don't think I'll pick a favorite version of the guy, I'm going to use the powers of my remarkable imagination to picture twin brothers... let the dirty thoughts ensue! lol Leave a comment, hit that thumbs up button, share the post around, do all those lovely things you do. Most importantly, have a fantastic Saturday.

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8 years ago

Brand ::: Rufskin knows sexy / hotness( first when picking models) plus the clothes are stupendous.. if you can afford them or wait for a sale , especially the bathing suits.. you feel what luxury feels like when you put any of their clothes on… and very few brands I say that about.. ok the pants run small/low but try something else like a nice t- shirt.. just touch it: don’t need to buy it… this is the only joint I shelled out 85$ for a black Rufskin tshirsts with their name on it no less.. but do t know if it’s just me; I screamed bloody terror when I saw the receipt but you put it on all thaterases from your memory banks.. ok enuf @ them!!

Guys wish me well.. lo & behold I’ve been ” homeless ” almost an entire year but my brothers shared their homes. The second home is the younger and while staying here( this happened literally in seconds) I found a rental three floors up from where I was.. if you live in nyc you know how RARE/LUCKY I was.. really nice studio but I get to see the Hudson River and all the boats that make their way up.. more to come..

Conran I’m coming to get you for this post… he’s delectable in every which way


1 year ago

Pound my tight little ass–forever

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