Kevin Williamson Is Looking Amazing

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It's been a little while since we had anything on the blog from Timoteo, but after the guys there sent me this gorgeous shoot featuring Kevin Williamson looking so damn fine of course I had to get him on here for you guys to check out.

This is part of the CellBlock 13 brand, one that we love on the blog for their excellent style and their sexy shoots featuring some incredibly well built and defined hunks who don't mind showing off a little more than most other male models. I think we all agree that this is a good collection of images, and with a gorgeous hunk definitely worth enjoying.

He has an amazing body, and he's so handsome too. Of course, it's an underwear shoot so the attention is inevitably going to be on a specific area, but that should not detract from the rest of this handsome hunk. Drink him all in, you know you want to.

Timoteo Ocampo is the photographer for this shoot, and we thank him wholeheartedly for these gorgeous pics.

And speaking of that bulge (come on, you knew I was going there!) he's really pretty revealing in this shoot without being too revealing. He clearly has a whole lot going on there, we would all love to see him without those undies!

Enjoy the shoot, leave a comment and give him a thumbs-up. Why not share him with your friends on Twitter and Facebook too?

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9 years ago

Undies are great but way too rxpensive.. Wait for a sale

Love this guy / thanks

8 years ago

Kevin can slide his smokin’ bat in me every inning.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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