Keegan – Jock Cock With Low Hangers!

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Okay so they might not be the biggest balls of all the guys on the Sean Cody site (you need to check out the debut scene with Dennis to really get some massive low hangers!) but Keegan has a gorgeous cock and some nice nuts to show off in his first ever jack off video for the site.

I was looking around out there for a hot naked guy to share with you all for the first of todays posts and I actually had a little trouble finding a dude with enough pics and his dick out. So, of course I had to fall back on tried and trusted SC for a hot guy showing off his boner.

I don't think you'll mind, Keegan is going to do it for a lot of you in my opinion, he definitely does it for me! :)

He's a big guy, muscled and powerful looking, with a nice dick and a great ass too. I don't know if he's going to be back to share his assets with any of the other guys, but I can predict that plenty of you will be hoping he does when you see him in action enjoying himself.

Check out the pics, leave a comment, give him a thumbs-up and why not Tweet him out to your followers?

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