Kacey Carrig by Eli Schmidt

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It's time for some twinky hotness on the Gay Body Blog, and I think all of you will appreciate the appearance of this handsome and sexy young man!

His name is Kacey Carrig, and he's an extremely good looking young man who I don't believe we have ever seen on the blog before. I don't think this is going to be the last time we see this boy either, and believe me I'll be out there on the internet looking for more of him after seeing this shoot.

I usually prefer the more muscled and hunky men, but there's something about Kacey that really does something to me. I guess he reminds me of a couple of crushes I had back in the day (when I was far too innocent!)

He's been photographed by Eli Schmidt for this shoot, showing off his smooth and tight twink body in some very nice undies. Even though every inch of him is hot and sexy, I think it's that handsome face and those tight abs that really do it - for once it's not almost all about the dick bulge! lol

I'm probably not the only one here who appreciates all that fur on his legs too, right?

Kacey Carrig by Eli Schmidt 1

Kacey Carrig by Eli Schmidt 2

Kacey Carrig by Eli Schmidt 3

Kacey Carrig by Eli Schmidt 4

Kacey Carrig by Eli Schmidt 5

Kacey Carrig by Eli Schmidt 6

Kacey Carrig by Eli Schmidt 7

Kacey Carrig by Eli Schmidt 8

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