Just Two Stunning Muscle Jocks

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I'm going to start this off by saying openly that I have no idea who these two gorgeous men are, but if you know then you need to add a comment at the bottom of this post and tell me so I can go and look for more of both of them! It's a shoot by Tani USA, an underwear company which clearly has great taste in male models if this is their standard. Both of these unknown male models are so good looking, and with great bodies too. Again I find myself wondering whether someone at these underwear companies checks out the models to see if their "packages" are going to be flattering to their brand - and if so how the hell does one get that job! Imagine being a package inspector for an underwear brand and how much fun that could be lol Okay, I know that doesn't happen so don't be leaving comments about it. I wish I had more to tell you about these two hotties, but for now we'll have to make do with just appreciating their sexiness and drooling over their hot bods and those bulges. As always, your comments are adored, your thumbs-up are appreciated and sharing this post around out there makes me love you even more :) Just Two Stunning Muscle Jocks 1 Just Two Stunning Muscle Jocks 2 Just Two Stunning Muscle Jocks 3 Just Two Stunning Muscle Jocks 4 Just Two Stunning Muscle Jocks 5

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8 years ago

i think one of the models is renato ferreira

8 years ago

The one with the 90s hair fringe! lol Both of them clearly hot though…

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