Jumping On The Wagon – Dan Brett by Joe McCormick

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I'm gonna make an admission here, I don't really follow many of the popular culture fads.

But, I remember the first time we had a vampire craze with Buffy and Angel, and that was fun. Although I lived through that and I have to admit I was a fan (mainly because of David Boreanaz!) I just don't get where this new craze has come from!

What is the deal with teenagers and their love of the vamp? lol

Having said that, if all young male vampires looked like the gorgeous boy Dan Brett in these pics I think I could kind of understand it and might have to jump on that bandwagon myself too. He's pictured here in a shoot by Joe McCormick, who is obviously trying to cash in on the recent fanaticism about all things vampiric.

He is stunning in these pics, and I can imagine they probably had a lot of fun for this shoot. But I still have to wonder why it's so fascinating. I know there's something very sexy about the mysterious vamps (remember that scene in Interview With The Vampire? Yeah, you know what scene I'm talking about!) but I'm not sure it works with teenage girls as much as it does with gay men ;)

Anyway, enjoy!

Dan Brett By Joe McCormick Dan Brett By Joe McCormick Dan Brett By Joe McCormick Dan Brett By Joe McCormick Dan Brett By Joe McCormick Dan Brett By Joe McCormick

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13 years ago

Oh, wow! This is interesting. I want more! ^_^ The faux blood doesn’t do much for me but I’m rather squeemish. But I Love how it looks all over his torso! I wonder if there’s a set a photos out there where hot boys went crazy with paint all over their naked selves?

13 years ago

me TOO!!I loved Buffy & my close friends also ..”we can’t do ANYTHING tonite..BUFFY’S GONNA SLAUGHTER THE TOWN!” HA HA! she would KICK ASS!!

… this is NO Buffy,even though for the younger crowd, it garnered a crowd that was older cause it was good..but “True Blood” ,that lost “steam” after about the first 2 years & I don’t even know who this is, so he must be a new character but a cutie!..but Alan Ball does this production and he’s really good but any show, to keep it fresh, takes ALLOT of ingenuity, don’t care who it is!


Martin Els
Martin Els
13 years ago

Model good looking but photo’s sick. Rethink photo shoot.

6 years ago

We gays are all vampires is a sense. We suck that wonderful nectar from our partner’s balls, think about it!

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