Julian Naderer – Ripped, Sexy And Nude

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When I think of the word "ripped" this is the kind of body I think of. Am I wrong?

I never really prescribed to all the minute details of how to describe a guys body, to me if a guy was hot, or well built, that's what I'd say. And being in the UK too, "ripped" is not something we really used. That's changed now of course.

There are some guys like Julian Naderer at my gym, and a buddy of mine always describes their bods as ripped. I guess it's what we sometimes call "athletic"? And yes, they are a complete distraction. lol

So in case you didn't know, Julian Naderer kind of became a big name pretty quickly. I think he only really came to prominence in 2010, but with a couple of shoots with some great photographers and some well placed editorial shoots he rose to become a very popular guy.

We've had him on the blog before, alongside Arthur Keller, showing off some 90's fashion (oh, the memories!) but these pics are definitely hotter. I especially love that really cheeky butt shot, sexy and stylish, really teasing. These shots are by Torian Lewin, a very talented photographer who manages to create some really teasing images with excellent use of light.

And speaking of naked, Julian Naderer has done a few sexy nude shoots so far, but no full-frontal as far as I'm aware. I know you guys like to be kept informed of things like that ;)

Julian Naderer Nude By Torian Lewin (1)

Julian Naderer Nude By Torian Lewin (2)

Julian Naderer Nude By Torian Lewin (3)

Julian Naderer Nude By Torian Lewin (4)

Julian Naderer Nude By Torian Lewin (5)

Julian Naderer Nude By Torian Lewin (6)

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12 years ago

Such a fine looking guy! thanks for the hot pics!

12 years ago

Perfect guy! Very sexy…

12 years ago

very beautiful 🙂

12 years ago

I wana to sculpte a statue of Julian as David of our time. he is Master piece of man!

Ruben Marin
Ruben Marin
12 years ago

He’s just a dream…

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