JuanFer De La Torre Always Looks Great At The Beach

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Over the weekend I saw photos of what was happening on the beaches in Florida and all I could think was that it was the last place I would want to be right now.

Today I saw more photos of handsome and hairy hunk JuanFer De La Torre on the beach and I was thinking about being marooned with him on the island from LOST and how I would be totally okay with it lol

As you might already know, we've seen this gorgeous man a couple of times here on the blog. The first time we enjoyed him he was getting naked! Yeah, you should click here to see those pics :)

This shoot, like the last beach shoot with this sexy man, is by photographer Gus Dantas. I'm guessing they made a day of it and he just changed several times to show off various bulging swimming trunks. And doesn't he look hot in them?

I get the feeling this guy always looks like this on the beach, with that glistening hairy body, that nicely bulging package, that steely distant look... He's the kind of man everyone pays attention to when he's strolling by.

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him too :)

Have a wonderful Tuesday, and stay away from crowded beaches!

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3 years ago

He looks so tormented, that I want to comfort him. And I know many ways how to it with him, on him, at him, in him! Yummy!

3 years ago

Just enough fur. So sexy!

3 years ago

je suis un fan peut être inconsidéré du beau bleu du maillot surtout si en plus il est aussi seyant et d’un beau contraste avec cette peau bronzée alors je suis sous le charme mais est ce bien raisonné….

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