Jose Luis Angulo Is Looking So Fine It’s Almost Criminal

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How are your new year resolutions working out for you? I know you had some, and I have a good suspicion that plenty of you had "going to the gym" on your list of things you needed to change for 2016 :) It was on my list, and I've actually been doing pretty well and going a couple of times a week. I have to be honest and say it's been a hard slog keeping that going, but I've been managing it and actually enjoying it too. Of course one of the reasons I do enjoy it so much is that there are quite a few guys who look like this dude all sweating and grunting around me :) His name is Jose Luis Angulo, and he's just about as perfect a hunk as I could imagine. He's handsome, he has an amazing body, and that bulge is enough to have anyone inspired. Yep, if there's any morning I really don't want to get my ass down the gym for a good session I probably just need to take a look at this post and ogle him for a couple of minutes. Let me know what you guys think of him, isn't he the kind of man you would love to work out with? Jose Luis Angulo Is Looking So Fine Its Almost Criminal 1 Jose Luis Angulo Is Looking So Fine Its Almost Criminal 2 Jose Luis Angulo Is Looking So Fine Its Almost Criminal 3 Jose Luis Angulo Is Looking So Fine Its Almost Criminal 4 Jose Luis Angulo Is Looking So Fine Its Almost Criminal 5 Jose Luis Angulo Is Looking So Fine Its Almost Criminal 6

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8 years ago

Super hot sexy man. Loving the sheer speedos. Woof

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