Jose Andrés Likes The Great Outdoors

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Good morning my lovelies! And happy Monday to you. For some odd reason I'm really energetic today, I can't explain it, I'm just bouncing around and getting on with things and this is totally not like me at all.

Midlife crisis maybe? I'll let you know if I start contemplating hair plugs and putting posters of sports cars on my office wall.

It might just be that I have now officially made plans for a couple of camping trips with some buddies later this summer. Festivals and gigs are coming up too. Everything is coming together nicely.

Maybe that's what inspired me to share these pics of Jose Andrés with you all. I don't believe we've seen him before on the blog, but I want to go and see what else this handsome and fit man has done.

He's not shy about showing off that extremely sexy ass, but I think I speak for us all when I say I wish he'd show everything :)

The photographer is only referred to as "Randy", so I have no idea who they are or where to find more, but if you know anything about the model or the photographer leave a comment and share the deets.

Enjoy him, let me know what you think, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post with your friends and followers too! Have a wonderful Monday.

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5 years ago

fine in outdoors, et en chambre ?

graham louw
graham louw
5 years ago

is he scared to show us his full nudity -what about his penis?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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