José Alves Naked – Almost
It's another late one for me today. I think I need to reset my internal clock, because for some reason I'm staying up way too late and it's throwing everything off!
So, sorry if you were expecting something little earlier, but I'm hoping that the fact that these pics are of the uber sexy José Alves might help matters. Of course, it helps that the photos are so damned sexy too!
I've been a fan of José Alves for a while now, and I know I've shared a few pics of him before on the blog. But surprisingly there is no full post of this hunk. So this one is a little overdue too.
Masculine and erotic, this handsome man is almost showing it all of, but not quite. The photographer, Rodrigo Marconatto, has done something a little special here in my opinion. I might be reading too much into this, but it's almost as though the hunk could be playing the role of the dancer, or the fighter.
Does that make sense? He has the pose and style of a dancer in these pics, but the setting and mood of them, with his rugged look, makes it seem like he should have some cuts and grazes from a bare knuckle fight too lol
Whether that was the intention or not, I don't really care, the guy is sexy, and the chance to see that tight butt in profile like that is definitely to be appreciated!
I'm off to bed, to have some sweet dreams thinking about this dude (I hope). I'll be back tomorrow, a little earlier! lol
Piccies are broken 🙁
Really? They’re showing for me, and no one else seems to be reporting the problem. I’ve checked in another browser too. Perhaps it was just a temporary glitch?
yep, I’ve used 3 different computers and providers – all not showing
the link
comes up with “Error 404 – Not Found”
Pics are broken here too.
aok in nyc
Pics are broken here too… Please fix it! Or at least make another post about this guy, I got curious about him
Pic not showing, please fix it
Cant see the pics neither… Fix it, will ya?