Jonas Sulzbach – One Of The Most Underrated Models?

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Jonas Sulzbach always gets some appreciation when he appears on the Gay Body Blog, and I totally get why. Of all the many thousands of guys we have seen here over the years (we have more than 2,300 posts on the blog now!) he is one of the most gorgeous male models I think we have ever seen.

Of course, we're in the business of showing off some of the most stunning men in the world, but there are guys who really stand out as being totally amazing - Jonas Sulzbach is one such guy.

He's so handsome it's unreal, and he has a truly amazing body too. I don't know how much time he spends at the gym in a week, but it's definitely doing it for him (and I would love to be working out beside this hunk myself, that goes without saying).

He's being snapped for Upman Underwear for this shoot, and while their gear might be a little simple and straight-laced, he makes them as sexy as they could possibly be with his awesome body and that tempting bulge.

All we need now is some more teasing nudity from the guy and I think he would be near the number one spot, which I think is still shared by both Benjamin Godfre and Eian Scully

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9 years ago

How can anyone “underrate” this beautiful , naturally handsome man?

9 years ago

Very handsome indeed!! Nice looking man!!

9 years ago

Maybe only in this country, since he’s Brazilian. But the global fans definitely appreciates this fine man and his TOTALLY HOT solo video measures UP to this fact. Oooh yeah!!

9 years ago

He’s what male models should look like but the fashion houses that rule the runway like both male and female models to be so thin as to almost look unhealthy and that is NOT sexy.

It’s only when the male models do underwear and swimwear shoots, do they FINALLY select real men for the campaigns.

You can post shots of Jonas anytime. And, since his unit means nothing to me, nudity is most definitely not a requirement. From the waist up, he’s perfect.

9 years ago

Jonas Sulzbach may be underrated to the fashion world but he is on my list of one of the most beautiful men out there in world of fashion.

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