Jon Foehl gets horny with Landis Smithers

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We've seen some of the sexy work by Landis Smithers on the blog before (most notably the gorgeous, thick-dicked British porn star Paddy O'Brian) and I was eager to post more of the amazingly beautiful work of this guy the moment I found something worthy of a post on here. I think I've found exactly that in this teasing set of images featuring the handsome and bearded Jon Foehl.

I have to say that I know nothing about Jon Foehl, and even after a little searching I find it hard to work out exactly what it is he does for a living. Is he in porn? Is he a model? I really don't know, but that's partly because of my impatience. I really wanted to get these photos on here asap.

He's teasing and erotic, showing just a little and not going all the way. Somehow that makes the whole thing even hornier. While a part of me (and you know what part) wants to see everything on show, another part of me (as yet unidentified) is happy to see what we see and nothing more.

I guess there's a fine balance in erotically charged shoots like this. A little too much flesh and it can spoil the intended effect.

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10 years ago

He’s a barback/bartender at The Motherlode in WeHo.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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