John Strand Gets A Little Teasing In An LA Shoot For Sandy Lang

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We're not due to have a nude shoot today, but given that we're not seeing a whole lot of cock in this shoot with male model John Strand I think it can pass as an erotic shoot instead. It's definitely a teasing one, and I knew I had to get him on the Gay Body Blog after checking him out and discovering we've never seen him on here before. There's something about him that really does it for me, but I'm not sure what it is exactly. It might be that he doesn't look like a professional model, he looks like a hot guy you might actually meet and have some fun with - he's hot that sexy but attainable thing going on :) The shoot is a pretty good one, even if I think the styling is totally off. Okay, I might not be the best one to ask about fashion, but gold glittery pants? Really? They'd be great for a Vegas magic act I guess. It's about the guy though, not the gear he's wearing. And in the case of this guy he has a lot I think we want to see more of. I will be out there seeing how revealing he might have been for other photographers so keep your fingers crossed that we might have more to enjoy pretty soon :) john-strand-gets-a-little-teasing-in-an-la-shoot-for-sandy-lang-1 john-strand-gets-a-little-teasing-in-an-la-shoot-for-sandy-lang-2 john-strand-gets-a-little-teasing-in-an-la-shoot-for-sandy-lang-3 john-strand-gets-a-little-teasing-in-an-la-shoot-for-sandy-lang-4 john-strand-gets-a-little-teasing-in-an-la-shoot-for-sandy-lang-5 john-strand-gets-a-little-teasing-in-an-la-shoot-for-sandy-lang-6

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mae west
mae west
8 years ago

Skinny 6 pack cookie cutter cliché. Boring.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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