Joe Roscoe Shows It All Off For Ryan Stanford

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We've been enjoying quite a lot of nudity on the blog lately, but you guys seem to approve of this heightened interest and I think we need to continue.

You might have noticed that we saw a great shoot from photographer Ryan Stanford a week ago, and after enjoying Matthew R Smith's impressive boner we heard from the photographer himself. We love it when that happens, and we were quick to ask for more (because we love his work and we're greedy :) )

Guys, check out Joe Roscoe, a sexy model revealing all in an outdoor setting.

This has pretty much everything I love in a sexy shoot. The guy is hot, he has a great dick, the setting is suitably industrial (you know I love that) and the photography really shows him off well.

I can't imagine there's a guy out there reading this who wouldn't love to spend some time with this guy in that location, looking the way he does, ready to play :)

Thank you Mr. Stanford (@ryanstanfordphotography) for sharing these images with us, and thank you, Joe Roscoe (@joeroscoe.x), for revealing so much and being so damn sexy in the process!

Leave a comment below, hit that thumbs up button, share this post so your lucky friends and followers can enjoy this guy too. Most important of all, have a fabulous Thursday!

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5 years ago

Hot A.F.!

Bailoir Smith
Bailoir Smith
5 years ago

There’s no hiding is there!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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