Jock Model Daniel Benjamin By Photographer Jeremy Holden

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It's the first time we've seen handsome Brazilian jock model Daniel Benjamin on the Gay Body Blog, but I'll be damned if this is gonna be the last time we enjoy him. I don't mean this in a sinister way, but he's now on my list :) A friend sent me these photos this morning but couldn't tell me more about the guy, so I think I'll be spending a couple of hours this afternoon looking for more. Photographer Jeremy Holden is the one getting these shots of the handsome and smooth hunk in his sexy underwear, but we all wish he'd managed to get some shots of the guy naked. He's got a lot of what we love to see in a guy. He's a handsome man, with a great body that's not too over the top. He's just muscled and defined enough to be in that sweet spot where pretty much everyone lusts after him. And, obviously, the sight of him in little shorts is damn sexy, and when he strips down to his underwear he's even more tempting. We all love a good bulge on a guy, and this handsome hottie definitely has what we like to see. Do you want more of him? Leave a comment below and hit that thumbs-up button, share this post around out there. Most importantly, have a lovely Wednesday!

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7 years ago

Looks great! Love the photography.

7 years ago

The muscles in the first pics are great.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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