Jock Daddy Dave Richards Is Back On The Blog

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We first saw this gorgeous hunk of man on the blog back in October last year, and I knew then that we'd need more of him.

He's one of those guys who seems to be super fit and into everything. You all know that one guy who just never seems to stop and loves everything from cycling to swimming to running, right?

I've known a few guys like that, and they're definitely some of the hottest (and horniest) you'll ever meet.

They're also pretty exhausting. You call them up to go to the pub and discover they're cycling around Wales or you plan to meet them in three months and when the time comes you find out they're in the middle of a marathon lol

I get the feeling British stud Dave Richards is like that. Almost all of the photos I've seen of him seem to be sport related. He's either taking selfies in the gym locker room or looking damn hot in cycling shorts or swimwear.

Having said that, just look at the handsome guy. With a body like that it's probably no surprise he's always moving and working up a sweat.

I could really use a gym buddy like him to keep me motivated!

He's definitely going on my list of guys to keep tabs on. I'm hoping there's going to be a lot more from his handsome Brit in the months to come.

Enjoy him, leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Have a lovely Saturday!

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2 years ago

Hello handsome

2 years ago

See? It isn’t that hard to smile for the camera and the viewers!
Dear Daddy Dave Richards, next time without any clothes, please! That bulge looks very promising (pic 4).

2 years ago

Hot daddy penile line on that salmon quarter zip sports tee and shorts. Sizzling…

William Moore
William Moore
2 years ago

A perfect example of the adage that taking care of yourself all along from youth to your 40’s pays off. Dave Richards is gorgeous and I’d bet has a nice personality and is drama free unlike so many younger gay men obsessed with looks, at least here in San Francisco the so called ‘gay mecca’

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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