Jock Boy Overdose!

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Dip me in fake tan and throw me out on the beach!

I just found this amazing shoot by Dylan Rosser for the Addicted brand, and I had to share it with you guys. I have no doubt that most of you guys would be familiar with many of the guys appearing in this shoot, but for those who don't know these are some of the hottest boys from the Bel Ami studio.

Florian Nemec, Kevin Warhol, Adam Archuleta, Robin Michaux, Hoyt Kogan and Joel Birkim are the ones appearing in the sun and showing off some of their sexy bulges and gorgeous muscled physiques, and I know for a fact that plenty of you guys lust after these boys as much as I do.

I know the studio has been releasing a lot of videos filmed in South Africa recently, and it's clear that they've been getting a lot of work done there outside of their hardcore scenes too. This shoot is a good example of their new-found ability to cross over from porn to male modeling, underwear promotion and more besides.

It's great to see so much cross promotion between this studio and some other brands in other markets, and it's increasing the reach of both as a result. Bel Ami and Addicted, you're doing some great work together! ;)

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Henry James
Henry James
10 years ago

Very desirable men who grace this page.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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