Jock Bottom Boy Jonathan Tylor Gets The Cock He Needs!

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If you were visiting this handsome jock bottom boy would you even be considering heading out for a night on the town?

Personally, I would be a whole lot more interested in staying in and enjoying those cocks for hours on end :)

Jonathan Tylor is the exhausted young hunk who isn't really interested in going anywhere or doing much of anything. That is until his friend Jacob Acosta makes a special bareback offer.

What could motivate a young man more than the offer of sucking and fucking out some hot cum?

Jacob makes the suggestion that if he can fuck his buddy good and deep, enough to satisfy, then they'll head out to the bars.

Now, would you turn down an offer like that?

I doubt it, not from this handsome and hung young hottie.

The jock bottom boy is soon swapping some tasty head and giving his beefy ass up for his friend to fill, leading to a great fucking and some good loads being splashed.

After that, would you want to head out? Nah, I'd want to order food and fuel up for round two lol

Check out some of the pics and click here for the video at ASGMax.

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Uncut Henry
Uncut Henry
1 day ago

I don’t like the fact that they’re looking at the camera. But it brings back memories when I was that age.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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