Jerking Off In The Woods With Muscle Man Zahn

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I think it's time for some cock on the blog, and I don't think there are many of you who will decline that opportunity. I was just checking out this video from Maskurbate with horny muscle man Zahn getting his uncut dick out in the woods for some solo play and it took me right back to bating with a buddy when I was younger. We used to bike out up to the woods to shoot things with his catapult, or at least that's how these adventures would usually start. The truth is we had a stack of porn magazines out there hidden under an old tree and I think the catapult was just an excuse for us to get our cocks out together and enjoy a wank :) We both had girlfriends at the time and although he's definitely still straight these days I know he still thinks about our jerk off sessions when we were 18, he's messaged me a few times to catch up and he's mentioned it a few times. I think it was probably those friendly wanks in the woods that got me interested in outdoor fun. I still try to get out there and have a wank in the wild now and then but most of the time it's on camping trips with buddies or something like that. For this video Zahn apparently left his buddies playing football in the park nearby and decided to get naked and show off. I don't know about you guys but although the idea of getting totally naked in the woods like that is pretty hot I don't think I would have the balls to do it. Zahn doesn't have such worries, but I guess if any of his buddies happened to come along and find him they would probably just join in lol Check out some of the pics, and click any to check out the video too, it's pretty damn good. Let me know in the comments if you've ever had any outdoor wanks!

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6 years ago

Sorry, I don’t get the mask fetish at all…

6 years ago

YUM YUM !! Right you are that some cock is refreshing and hot. Thanks

6 years ago

Yeah, I don’t understand this mask thing. It seems that lots of people are always hiding behind something, be it beards and scruff or tattoos. Lots of insecurity out there!

6 years ago

Bill, I concur up to a point. But you grow your own beard. It’s in your humanity as a man that you have hair. If you think beard is hiding something then you should only have skinheads with no eye brows…

6 years ago

You guys are missing the point entirely. The mask “thing” is not a fetish, it’s a gimmick. The site is called MASKurbate…get the play on words? The whole point of the mask is that the guy who runs the site uses it to get (mostly) straight guys to perform for him with the mask on to conceal their identity. No fetish involved, it is simply used to hide their faces for anonymity’s sake. Kind of hokey, but it’s been working for many years now.

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