Jay Hall Tries A Toy

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I absolutely love this guy. Jay Hall is one of the straight guys over at EnglishLads, making a little cash by breaking into the gay porn business. So far, he's not really gone gay for pay, but we have seen him enjoying himself in the company of a few of the other straight guys there.

The best shoot has to be the circle jerk, with four of the guys competing to shoot over a table! And Jay Hall was paying a whole lot of attention to the other boys there. But then who could blame him when the impressively hung Andy Lee was in the room?

Jay is quite sporty, playing football regularly and working out to stay in shape too. And what a good shape he has!

So now he's back, and this time he's going to experiment with some toys. They've been doing that a lot lately over at EnglishLads, with Patrick O'Brian and Andy Lee both learning how to take a dildo too. So maybe they have something planned?

Lets' hope so, I've been waiting patiently for months to see Andy Lee playing around with another straight bloke. And as Patrick O'Brian is quickly becoming an international sensation with his visit to RandyBlue recently too, it would be really interesting to see all three going to the next step!


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14 years ago

beautiful gay

13 years ago

more more more

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