Jarrod Scott Teases With Some Bush
We've seen Jarrod Scott naked before, but there's only a few instances of him getting his uncut cock out for a photographer and showing everything, I guess he has an eye for the creative and when it's justified he'll do it.
I like a male model who isn't scared to get it all out and on show for the right project.
He's not quite showing everything off for this new shoot by photographer Stefan Armbruster for Numéro Homme Germany, but he's giving us a teasing glimpse at his unkempt bush down below in a very well-cropped image.
It's hard to call that daring these days, where anyone can get on the Internet at any time and see a million dicks on a million different men, but when you see a shoot like this in a mainstream context it's a little different.
He's an interesting guy, really sexy and handsome in a strange way. Some might think he's not good looking, and you can kind of understand why some might think that too, while still seeing that he is.
I like the guy, I wouldn't mind seeing a hell of a lot more of him.