James Huntsman Easily Seduces Straight Jock Jordan Boss!

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I think everyone has that straight guy in their life they would love to seduce and get some cock fun with. I know at least three off the top of my head that I would love to do anything at all with! While the guys I know might take a little more work than Jordan Boss, it's probably because I'm not a jock hunk like James Huntsman. The guys are out by the pool enjoying the sun when discussion turns to sex and James gets started on his teasing. Strangely, even though his buddy seems reluctant to admit ever being even slightly curious about what a dick tastes like, when James gets his cock out and wiggles it in the direction of his friend Jordan is quickly on it and sucking that tool like he's been craving it for a while! Although we're supposed to believe this is Jordan's first time sucking cock, I think we can all tell that this handsome muscle jock knows his way around a big piece of man meat. That becomes even more clear when he slides his ass down on James' big shaft and starts riding him with his own cock solid and bouncing. To be honest, this video is less about converting a straight guy and more about seeing two gorgeous muscled jocks going at it. I don't think anyone is buying the fantasy here, Jordan is just too eager to get fucked. Check out some of the pics and click through for the video, these guys look great together regardless of the unconvincing story lol

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