Jacking Off With Guillem Ramos

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We've seen a couple of hot shoots by photographer Nicolas Dumas XIII before, and they are always pretty steamy and interesting. He's one of those creators who likes to cross that line between artistic nudes and pornography, but without it being predictable. You know I love it when a photographer doesn't shy away from presenting real sexuality in their work and he's achieved that again with this shoot featuring Guillem Ramos.

This handsome and bearded guy is the kind of shameless model needed for an erotic shoot like this. He's clearly very comfortable in his own skin and getting his cock out for a little fun isn't something he's apparently reluctant to do.

I love this shoot, not just because he's naked and jacking off, but because it's done with such class and eroticism. It could be porn, if we were living back in the '80s or '90s and these photos were for a magazine, but it's more than that in this digital age where you can literally find dick in seconds.

I don't know much about Guillem Ramos other than he's a French guy who seems to like erotic performance and art, but after this I think we should probably see if we can find more of him to enjoy here :)

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below, and hit that thumbs-up button before you go anywhere!

Have a great Wednesday!

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4 years ago

I would like to see those pictures from above that he made!

3 years ago

Très beau mec , très sexy et excitant , je ne savais pas qu’il faisait du porno gay.

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