Jacking Off Muscle Man Brad

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I don't know where this guy finds his muscled men for the amazing Maskurbate site, but wherever he's looking he needs to carry on finding gorgeous men like Brad. This guy is a personal trainer in the day and an exotic dancer at night, and I think it's clear that he's successful with both pursuits.

This straight hunk is Brad, and he's already been in a solo jack off. He did very well with that, working his big pink uncut cock and stroking out a nice load for the fans.

This time things are a little different. The guy who runs the site has become a client of Brad's at the gym, working out with him and becoming quite good friends in the process, that's all it's taken for Brad to become a little more willing to explore some things.

This is a jack off with a difference as Brad gets some muscle worship and a helping hand on his gorgeous boner, which is something I would pay to experience myself!

Given some excellent assistance he's left to finish up and enjoy himself, and he does so by splashing out his ball juice into a wine glass...

I wonder what will happen next with this guy? I'm personally hoping they hook him up with one of their other straight muscle men for a duo jerk, and perhaps a little more ;)

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10 years ago

Hot model. The mask and wine glass prop is pretty stupid.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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