It’s Our First Time Seeing Manuel Baez, And He’s Showing It All Off!

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Don't you just love it when we see a dude for the first time here at Gay Body Blog and he's willing to show everything off for us?

Well, he's technically not showing off just for us, but we're very happy to be enjoying the naked stud here today :)

I only know a little about this handsome and lean guy.

His name is Manuel Baez and he's from Puerto Rico.

That's basically all I know about him. Oh, I can add that he's definitely into dudes, and he likes working out.

So, we have a handsome guy with a hot body and a nice cock who likes to work out and likes other guys :)

He's our kind of model!

I'm gonna guess that you don't really care about all that as much as you care about him getting naked in these very sexy and very revealing photos by Jonathan Duluc.

My only complaint is that these pics are so dark, but I actually think it suits the theme and the style of the sexy shoot. It really does add something.

Enjoy him, leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button if you want to see more of him. I'll gladly spend some time looking for more shoots with him :)

Have a great Tuesday and I'll see you back here tomorrow.

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2 years ago

I like my men sweaty and big dicked!

2 years ago

Stunning body and astonishing cock. In my opinion those head gear are ridiculous . Would love to have seen his face. Oh well.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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