It’s Friday – Time For Some Muscle Action!

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It's Friday!!!!!

Yay, I can't wait for tonight, I'm finally heading out on the town to see a few bands and sink a few beers with some buddies. And it's been a little while so I guess it might be time to get a little drunk and rock out! lol

To kick off the Friday feeling I have a little gift for all you guys who might be out on the pull tonight (is that an exclusively British term or do our international readers know what I mean there?)

So, anyway, this video was added to the Randy Blue site a few days ago, and while I'm pretty sure Bryce Tucker might not be to everyones taste, I know Chris Bines is! This is one of those shoots for the guys who like to watch a powerful muscle top plowing a willing and slightly hairy athletic bottom, and it should definitely be enough to get the juices flowing and your hunting instincts sharpened for the weekend ahead ;)

So, come on, who else is out there to party this weekend and what do you think your chances are? Mine are pretty good, I have new jeans, new shoes, new boxer shorts... and I'm super horny lol

Chris Bines and Bryce Tucker

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13 years ago

Hot with a diesel undie.

10 years ago


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