It’s A Wild Gay Fourgy For Jax Thirio, Jesse Bolton, Max Lorde And Devyn Pauly

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Even though we're finally really starting to get out of the mess we've all been in for almost two years now (damn, can you believe it's been that long?) a lot of the studios are still working to unusual formats and strange rules.

Next Door Studios seems to be one of them.

They went through a stage of only filming solos, or releasing videos with guys who are already living together. Now they're creating a lot more "homemade" content in that style, but loosening things up a little more.

That's what we get with this new fourgy starring Jax Thirio, Jesse Bolton, Max Lorde and Devyn Pauly. Forget the sets, forget the stories, forget the camera crews, it's just four fit young men hanging out together and having an awesome time with their hard cocks and their bareback butt holes :)

This is definitely one of those videos for the fans of group action, they really go at it and do everything they can to help their buddy get his load splashing.

I can't say I mind these homemade scenes, but I do kinda miss the themes shoots with costumes and sets and stories to go with it. They're still making all that kind of content but it does feel like it's kind of taken a back seat lately.

Enjoy the pics, click here for the video!

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