Is There Some Way We Can Get Ivan Fuentes More Modeling Work?

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Maybe I'm wrong (and I'm sure you guys will correct me) but I think handsome male model Ivan Fuentes should be a lot more well-known than he appears to be.

A few of my buddies know I have a slight thing for handsome daddies with salt and pepper stubble and a hot bod, so my friend Andy sent me these pics this morning. Believe me, it was a nice way to wake up. While I was going through all my work emails this handsome hunk appeared and immediately made my morning :)

I did a little searching, and there seems to be almost nothing else out there with this handsome hunk. There's solo pics here and there, but nothing close to what there should be.

Why is that? I have no idea, I think he's lovely and I could stare at that handsome face and that hot bod for a good long while before being distracted. I think this happens a lot, though. I get the feeling maybe photographer Vaclav Zabransky knows him personally and just asked if he'd pose, or perhaps he's just new to the business?

Imagine looking like this handsome guy and NOT being a full-time model! It's ridiculous that there aren't hundreds of shoots with this guy out there already.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments, shouldn't we be seeing a lot more of this guy?

Have a great Tuesday!

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5 years ago

This is exactly what a swimsuit model should look like. I should think that this look should enhance the product and he certainly makes the suits look great.

5 years ago

What a man!

Kyle Sanders
Kyle Sanders
5 years ago

His IG account?

5 years ago

This is a guys fantasy. What a hot gorgeous body and yes the swim suit looks so sexy on him. At the beach I would not be able to stop checking out his hot body.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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