Is That Nick Ayler Naked?

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There are a lot of fakers out there, guys who have become masters of photoshop to such a degree that they can almost seamlessly superimpose a big dick on some hot male celeb or mainstream model. But, although there are so many fakes, there are occasionally genuine naked photos thrown into the mix.

We all remember the famous Benjamin Godfre being caught on his webcam stroking his cock for the fans out there, and that it seemingly increased his profile and got him into being butt naked in a lot of shoots, and even appearing in solo porn too.

There have been countless celebs caught stroking their boners in home videos or sharing their pics out there on the net.

But, this one is a little harder to judge. Obviously the photo is real, but is that really Nick Ayler naked and not some guy with a little similarity to the muscled jock model?

Personally, I have no clue, but what I do know is, if that's him he has one mighty cock that all the guys out there would love to get their hands on - and some other things too ;)

Enjoy this little collection of hot photos, and let me know what you think. Someone is claiming that this naked guy is Nick Ayler in a hastily put together disguise, but is it?

Nick Ayler naked (1)

Nick Ayler naked (2)

Nick Ayler naked (3)

Nick Ayler naked (4)

Nick Ayler naked (5)

Nick Ayler naked (6)

Nick Ayler naked (7)

Nick Ayler naked (8)

Nick Ayler naked (9)

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11 years ago

don’t think so…i wish!

11 years ago

i had to come back to this….there’s a chance…maybe…but…oh, I don’t know! LOL!

10 years ago

The pictures in the shower are Nick, but not the first picture that is full frontal.

10 years ago

No Way Not even the slightest chance that the first picture is Nick.
Nick remains a hot model and DJ. Maybe someday he will reward his fans with a lot more. At that time there will be no doubt that it is the real thing, Nick

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