Is Pietro Boselli The Hottest Male Model?

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I had a discussion with a friend by text this morning, a friend who insists that Pietro Boselli is the hottest male model alive.

Now, I am more than happy to agree that he is absolutely gorgeous.

He has an incredible physique and a handsome face.

We know he has a gorgeous ass, too.

He also has a great "origin story". If you remember, he was a teacher leading a class and a student shared his gorgeousness with the world on social media, within days he had modeling agencies looking for him and that started his career.

But is he really the hottest male model in the world?

I think I would need a couple more things to be able to say that. First, we need to see some proper nude shoots with him by professional photographers. There are a lot of very handsome and buff studs out there who are happy to be erotic and artistic, and that's what makes a male model supremely hot, in my opinion.

Second, there just needs to be more of him out there.

We went through a couple of years where he was popping up in a new shoot every few days. Over the last year or so it's been increasingly hard to find him anywhere.

These pics are all I could manage to locate since our last post featuring him in March. I'm sure he's done more than this in that time, but I can't find it!

So, what do you think? Is he the hottest male model out there?

Leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button! Have a lovely Friday and I'll see you all back here tomorrow :)

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Um brasileiro
Um brasileiro
1 year ago

Quente demais (⁠●⁠♡⁠∀⁠♡⁠)

Gordon Powell
Gordon Powell
1 year ago

Just another bald clone.

Reply to  Gordon Powell
1 year ago

i wonder what you look like

Alwayz Hard
Alwayz Hard
1 year ago

His nudes are out there 😉 Some digging is needed but they are legit

1 year ago

The fact that he’s homophobic takes a lot of the allure off.

1 year ago

the hottest : I’m not sure but one of best , may be !

Kevin Field
Kevin Field
1 year ago


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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