Is He The Hottest Man? More Of Nicholas Mikovits!

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I genuinely think Nicholas Mikovits might be the hottest man I have seen in the last year.

It's not an easy thing to state. We see a whole lot of hotties here on the blog and I'm definitely not the kind of man to rank them.

Okay, maybe I am, but not in polite company :)

Whenever I see this man's amazing face and that incredible body I'm left thinking he might be the most attractive man I have ever seen.

I'm gonna say again that he looks SO MUCH like actor Sebastian Stan they really could be twin brothers.

You know who I mean, right?

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

In fact, I'm not entirely convinced it isn't him lol

Any actor could just adopt a new name and claim to be someone else, right? Maybe it is Mr. Stan and he just wants to pose for photographers while also being a moviestar?

These photos by New Manhattan Studios really present him well. So well in fact they make me want to paint him.

That's one of my benchmarks for deciding whether a photo is really impressive. If I feel the urge to paint it I know it has that special something.

Anyway, enjoy him again, and let me know in the comments if you think he's the hottest man we've seen in a while.

Have a great Tuesday!

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James B.
James B.
1 month ago

Need full frontal of this hunk.

1 month ago

If he shows us everything, he will maybe be the hottest man. Now he is one of the hottest men. But hot he is!

1 month ago

Incredibly talented Sebastian Stan — newly honored with his first Oscar nomination for playing the current Fascist-in-Chief in his formative years — can only dream he has a body like this. But, I can certainly see the resemblance in his face.

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