Is Brazilian Hottie Pedro Aboud Considered a Twunk?
You guys probably know that I don't do too well with the subcultures in the LGBT community. I don't get a lot of the labels. It took me a long time and a big discussion with a friend using photo examples for me to work out the difference between a Bear and an Otter.
By the way, I prefer Otters :)
But, having said that, I do believe handsome young Pedro Aboud is considered to be a Twunk.
I know I've asked about this term before and I have to admit I really still don't get it but feel free to tell me in the comments whether he is one or not. Really, I would love to know.
This is a sexy shoot by photographer Jeff Segenreich, titled “About the Time in My Paradise” and appearing in something called Victor Magazine. No, I hadn't heard of it either.
It's a really nice shoot. He's such a handsome young man and he has a great body. After seeing this you can bet I'm gonna be out there a little later looking for some more photos of the guy.
Let me know what you guys think of him in the comments. Do you want more of this handsome Brazilian boy?

Yeah, he qualifies. A twink has no muscle mass to speak of …. he’s almost not even there, nearly ethereal. A typical twink’s chest is so slight, it’s almost concave.
Mr. Aboud has the faint beginning of a physique. If he spends some time on actually building his body, he can rise out of his twunk state and emerge a real stud. But, that’s a big “if.”
Too many twunks, in my observation, get by with a fast metabolism and can be couch potato chunky in no time. I pray Pedro avoids this fate because it would be a waste of the gift God gave him.
Call him whatever you want…I want to call him HUSBAND!!!