Irving Segura Is Back, And This Time He’s Showing Cock!

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We first saw Irving Segura back in October 2020, but I added him to my list of models to seek out again and it's finally time to take another look at the fit young man.

That first shoot was hot and sexy, with him performing some interesting moves in his little shorts. Photographer Dvorakdude was responsible for that shoot, and he's giving us an even better look at his model this time.

Apparently, this shoot is titled The Lifter. I guess that refers to his gym activities. Clearly he's a very fit young man and when I looked for information about him before it was clear he was into pretty much everything, from swimming to cycling to gymnastics.

It's working real well for him, I think we can agree.

Although these images are a little darker than I think we'd all want them to be I do like some good light and shadow play in a shoot and Dvorakdude has done it well in these photos.

We get to see enough of this young man's uncut cock to be able to appreciate it, along with the rest of his athletically sculpted body.

Enjoy him, leave a comment below and let me know what you think :)

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3 years ago

Très belles photos et très beau corps bien musclé avec pénis au naturel gardant son prépuce !

3 years ago

Just stunning images that while may be a challenge for some of us to truly enjoy the subject, I would be shocked if they were not hung in a gallery for a limited show and sale. If not IMO they should be. Mr Segura is a beautiful and built man and the photographer has certainly created a beautiful theme and style for his model.

3 years ago

Les nus académiques; du grand art de la sculpture avec la lumière

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